What's a girl to do? I've always wanted a vintage camper. But then again I've also wanted a vintage VW bus like the one we traveled around Europe in when I was a teenager. So since I couldn't decide of course I turned to Ebay. There's the perfect 1973 VW bus within my price range. They're practically giving it away. It's had all it's restoration work done and no major rust. It's in California, where we just moved away from. They have car transport vehicles in California don't they?
So while I'm making plans to paint my perfect blue bus pink, of course I'm browsing Ebay again. Lo and behold, what's that I see?! A vintage camper located within 6 hours of where we live? It's painted aqua and white on the outside you say? Hold the phone. I'll just place a low ball bid. They'll never accept such a low offer.....will they? Well of course they will!! Because I was supposed to have both. Clearly. No doubt. Destiny. Karma. Have I convinced you yet? Have I convinced myself yet?
I can rationalize anything. I've helped a lot of people in my career as a psychologist. Not just regular people, but combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. The bravest of the brave. Heard the most horrible details of the worst that human beings can do to one another in war. So I think I've earned some fun. How do you spell fun? P-I-N-K B-U-S. S-H-A-B-B-Y C-H-I-C C-A-M-P-E-R of course.
So stay tuned to see the transformations as they happen. Live vicariously through my accidental vintage vehicle overload. More is more, right? That's what I thought too......

So while I'm making plans to paint my perfect blue bus pink, of course I'm browsing Ebay again. Lo and behold, what's that I see?! A vintage camper located within 6 hours of where we live? It's painted aqua and white on the outside you say? Hold the phone. I'll just place a low ball bid. They'll never accept such a low offer.....will they? Well of course they will!! Because I was supposed to have both. Clearly. No doubt. Destiny. Karma. Have I convinced you yet? Have I convinced myself yet?
I can rationalize anything. I've helped a lot of people in my career as a psychologist. Not just regular people, but combat veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder. The bravest of the brave. Heard the most horrible details of the worst that human beings can do to one another in war. So I think I've earned some fun. How do you spell fun? P-I-N-K B-U-S. S-H-A-B-B-Y C-H-I-C C-A-M-P-E-R of course.
So stay tuned to see the transformations as they happen. Live vicariously through my accidental vintage vehicle overload. More is more, right? That's what I thought too......
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